web serie CAMINOS (ROAD)
Guión y Dirección : Nathalia Peluso
Elenco : Pablo Federico,Natalia Gatto
Ernesto Figueroa,Juan Pablo Panebianco
Productores : Freakproduction NP |CECAM/
Municipio Moron
Productor Ejecutivo : Nathalia Peluso
Distribuidora: Freakdistribution
segui a caminos
Tv Program serie 12 capítulos
web serie
Juan es un joven escritor con varios ideales e incógnitas sobre la realidad ,su país , la gente y su conducta. Sus principios se han puesto en tela de juicio al darse cuenta del proceder del ser humano , la injusticia y la corrupción. Ha optado por romper las reglas desde su propia autodestrucción, como una elección de vida para revelarse contra todo el sistema y sus propias contradicciones. A partir de la escritura de un libro el cual ,el llama “CAMINOS ”comienzan a articularse las historias de los demás que son sus seres mas allegados ,amigos ,parientes .Todos viven en el Oeste y mantienen los códigos y costumbres de barrio del conurbano ,muy diferente a capital federal ,los tiempos ,las relaciones, en donde toman un café, en donde compran el pan , para el asado del domingo .En la vida cotidiana de este grupo de amigos podremos vivir experiencias que le pasan a todos los jóvenes de treinta y pico hoy, nos enamoraremos con ellos , lloremos con ellos , nos enojaremos con todo lo que los enoja a los jóvenes en este país que trata de reconstruirse o destruirse.
The sotry focus in the lives of a group of young friends, each one with different expectations and aspirations facing the fact that they have a little chance to become someone in their own country. They are between the twenties and thirties. They all live in the suburbs and have codes and manners of their own, very different from people of the city, times, relationships .The suburbs will be the place where they´ll relate, drink coffee, buy bread for Sundays barbecue, have fun. It will show the neighborhood, the people, the community places. Juan is a young writer full of ideals and doubts about reality, his country, the people and how they conduct themselves. His convictions are questioned when he realizes how humans proceeds, injustice and corruption. He choses to break the rules from his own self destruction, like a choice of live, to reveal against the system and his personal contradictions. Trough the book his writing, called “Caminos”, the stories of the rest begin to articulate because they are his relatives and close friends. The key point of this serie is that until the end it never knows if this characters are part of the book or the story it´s an adaptation or its Juan´s present, what he’s living with his group of friends. In the daily life of this group of friends living at suburb we will be able to experience all this life proofs they go through everyday, we will fall in love and cry with them ,as get angry with the same things that makes them angry in this country that tries to rebuilt or destroy itself. people that keeps searching for a place in this world
.You can see CAMINOS (ROAD)