LEON web serie
Serie multi-platform product
Director: Nathalia Peluso
Guión : Nathalia Peluso
Productores : Freakproduction NP.
Distribuidora: Nokra Film (españa)freakdistribution ( Argentina)


Serie 10 capítulos
Serie Ficción Multiplataforma
Leon es un músico de casi 40 años de noche toca en bares y de día trabaja en la panadería familiar , su padre músico turco devenido a la argentina ,su hermana mayor con quien vive discutiendo y su hermano adolescente sordo de nacimiento al cual su padre le ha enseñado a tocar la bandolina y sentir la música , Leon cree tener claros sus ideales e ideas y principios , pero su padre le insiste que ha perdido su camino y olvidado sus raíces ,se ha perdido en la trivialidad de la música .Gracias a su hermano menor impedido de oír sonidos pero no de sentir , volverá a conectarse con sus raíces y con la esencia de la música
Leon is a musician of almost 40 years at night he plays in bars and during the day he works in the family bakery, his father, a Turkish musician who has become Argentina, his older sister they discuss all the time and his little brother, deaf at birth Father has taught him to play bandolina and feel the music, Leon believes he has clear ideals and ideas and principles, but his father insists that he has lost his way and forgotten his roots, has lost himself in the triviality of music. his younger brother, unable to hear sounds but not to feel, will be an example for Leon and will reconnect with his roots and the essence of music.