Founder and owner of FREAKPRODUCTION.
Designer of image and sound of the Pan-American School of art, Director of animation of the Institute of cinematographic art of Avellaneda IDAC and Director of production at the ENERC-INCAA, conducted several courses and seminars to complement their academic career. Artistic photography and advertising issued by the professional photographer Omar Raul Diaz, drawing humorous Garaycochea national school. Animation seminar given by the animator Barry Purves (London), multidisciplinary Workshop film script, production and direction dictated by Syd Field, Richard Guy, Jerry
Carlson (USA) and Juan Bautista Stagnaro (Argentina). Motion Picture Association (M.P.A.), Screenwriting seminar, sitcom, dictated by the company Sony Entertaiment Televisión, workshop La Fabrica Audiovisual, digital post-production, computed animation co-production seminar given by Saúl Saentz, the Ruban and Ben Gazara. International documentary seminar organized by Minister of culture of the Embassy of Spain, INCAA, IDEC-universidad Pompeu Fabra España. Dictated by Jordi Balló and Joaquín Jordá. In the field has been developed in companies producers, Patagonik Film Group, Delta productions, Digiart, native production line of three productions, Inc. Advertising Huinca film, Blue (Pucho Mentaste), Landia Republic among other
companies. He has worked in the audiovisual industry as executive producer and director of production, production and realization of animation in film, television and advertising, in national and international projects, with a vast experience in international co-productions. In the teaching area has made international seminar of integral production and animation in UP (University of Palermo) workshop image and sound, educational connection. ENERC. MICA (meeting of international market), imagine festival jury EXPOSITOR at Simposio international off animation production realizated in Venezuela . He has served as a teacher holder in the area of production and executive producer in film FUC (Universidad del Cine), workshop schools image and sound, Film College, UBA, ENERC. It serves as a production coordinator and shootings of students at the ENERC - INCAA ESCINETV Venezuela . Create CECAM where he developed courses crafts audiovisual and cinematographic ,documentary and animation workshops. He founded the production company and distribution audiovisual FREAKPRODUCTION the company focuses on national and international - film production - animation-tv and multiplatform which has received several prizes and mentions in its projects such as cinema Sud Paris, Festival OberHausen, Aires filmfest, Global Film initiative, Hubet bals Fond, Cartagena´s international TV, IMCINE, Festival Toulouse France, London Film Festival
Gramado film festival. The Web Serie ROAD Nominated MARTIN FIERRO AWARS Best Fiction .His recent project "Las Voces - La Estancia" has been sponsored and co-produced with Alejandro Gonzales Irrañitu (winner of best director oscar and movie Birdman, Revenant)

Nathalia Peluso

Francisco Lorenzo is a young innovate and creative producer he have a company located in Spain. We have four areas of activity: Film, Television, Advertising and Consulting. The company focuses on making high quality, good value television programmes, feature films and comercials for the global market. We offers a full production service for both regional and international commercials. With our expertise and experience, we constantly strive to push creative and strategic boundaries in order to establish the highest production values. We provides crews in Spain, Europe, Asia or American countries. and we have the principal Partner freakproduction argentina